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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thing 10

1) I want to make sure that students verify sources when doing research and try to acess several resources when reserching on the net. Secondly, never share your personal information such as passwords, phone numbers, erc. with others. Also, respect fair use laws and unstand what they mean.
2) I found that the Texas School Safety Center had excellent resources for explaining digital citizenship. I have bookmarked this site. It discusses topics such as bullying and internet safety.
3) I would teach the idea of digital citizenship to students by modeling it as I go through the assignment. Teachable moments always arise as students work and I will take advantage of those. Also, I will discuss things such as copyright laws and fair use rules before we start an assignment.
4) I found a Parent's Guide that will be useful to print and send home from the Texas School Safety website.

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